Membes blog: 4 ways technology can help your Association grow

Technology is becoming more powerful with new developments happening every day to help improve its effectiveness, streamline processes, and provide more detailed and accurate information. It is more important than ever for organisations to jump on board with the latest technology to ensure they remain competitive and be known as a market leader.

Associations who have embraced the latest technology are already seeing significant results with member engagement, staff retention and more efficient use of resources. One of the key pieces of technology for Associations is an Association Management System (AMS) which is specifically designed to meet the unique needs for associations.

A quality AMS will be able to support your organisation in a number of different ways to ensure your staff can engage with, respond to and retain members.

Below are 4 ways your AMS should help your Association grow:

1. Efficient database management

  One of the biggest challenges for Associations is managing their database; yet it is one of the most vital things to get right. Having a system that allows you to easily manage your stakeholders’ information including all contact information, changes to these details and relevant information such as a Special Interest Group (SIG) stream, graduation date, qualifications etc.

You can also track each person’s engagement with your association and reach out if they have not engaged in some time or have lapsed their membership. This empowers your staff by providing them with insights to better communicate with each member so you can have a positive impact on retention and attraction.

2. Communications support

There are so many ways to engage with your members now, which is a blessing, but at times can be overwhelming if you don’t have a comprehensive schedule keeping everything on track. Marketing across emails, social media and other digital channels, at significant times, is key to growing your membership base as it allows you to remind them of the benefits of being a member and demonstrates your value and understanding of their needs throughout the year.

With advanced technology you will be able to schedule social posts to reduce the burden of posting live. You can also set up automated communications from your AMS to keep your members engaged, especially if they’re new members.

3. In-depth analytics

In today’s world, data is like gold – it is highly valuable to organisations and provides detailed insights into current market needs and also allows you to predict future needs. Your AMS will identify trends amongst your stakeholders so you can create stronger strategies that are based on evidence.

Your association will grow because your campaigns will be more targeted and speak to the specific needs your stakeholders have in that moment, making them feel understood and more likely to engage.

4. Future proof your organisation

When selecting your AMS it is important to choose something that is flexible allowing for easy integration with other systems and can grow with you (without the expensive cost of developers). This will provide you with greater opportunities for growth and ease operational pressures due to the agile nature of your AMS system to adjust to changes.

The biggest benefit technology can deliver is simplifying processes to reduce the burden on staff and better engage your members. This has a ripple effect on demonstrating your credibility, professionalism and high-quality services to non-members making them more likely to join your Association.

So, what are you waiting for? Embrace the latest technology and be sure to take your team along the journey and provide them with the proper resources to learn how to use your AMS so they are more confident with it!

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By Membes | 9 July 2023